Leonid Petrov says a personal or family dispute could have led to the execution. 利奥尼德佩德罗夫还称一次个人或家庭争议可能导致了这次处决。
A family dispute in his 90s, she said, sparked his initiative to reclaim his education. 在他90岁时,一次家庭纠纷激发了老先生重拾课本的念头。
The guy who showed you the property might not even be the owner, but only the disgruntled nephew of the owner, trying to get one over on his uncle because of some old family dispute. 带你看地的人甚至可能不是地主,而是地主愤愤不平的侄儿,只因为昔日某件家庭纠纷而想报复伯父。
More than 40 percent of the respondents said living with parents is not a good choice and can cause family dispute. 超过40%的受访者表示与父母同住并不是一个好选择,而且可能导致家庭纠纷。
I didn't feel I could intervene in a family dispute. 我觉得我不能介入家庭争端。
He interceded in the family dispute. 他调解了这场家庭纠纷。
Maybe you got a group of Boy Scouts to behave on a camping trip, solved a family dispute, or talked your way out of a potential problem. 也许是你作了精彩演讲或者完成了一大笔交易的时候;也许是你组织的一批童子军参加野营训练时表现出色,解决了家庭纠纷,或者凭三寸不烂之舌解决了潜在问题的时候;
His estranged family denounced him in a custody dispute over his two children. 他疏远的家庭比谴责他的两个孩子的监护权纠纷他。
Don't intrude in a family dispute. 不要介入家庭争端。
The family wanted to dispute the will. 家属想对遗嘱提出质疑。
Tessa: In any case, her family is sure to dispute it in court. It could be years before the case is over. 黛莎∶管怎样,她的家人一定会闹上法庭。看来整件事还要缠讼多年。
Objective: To strengthen the effective communication between the medical personnel and the family members of patients in ICU, and reduce the dispute of medical treatment. 目的:加强ICU医务人员与病员家属进行有效沟通,减少医疗纠纷。
Why the outer family disputes are mostly resolved through legal remedy resources lies in the fact that the necessary resource-authority for dispute resolution-is deficient in Liu Village. 刘村内部发生的家庭外部纠纷更多通过公力救济的方式解决与刘村缺乏必要的纠纷解决资源&权威之间有着密切的关系。
Teng Da-yin skillfully settled a family property dispute by individual wisdom, official power and ghost stories. 滕大尹以个人的智慧和官府的威严,结合鬼魂传说与故弄玄虚,巧妙地处理了一起家庭财产纠纷。
Most domains of QOL were significantly correlated with the economic condition, sport time weekly, satisfaction for specialty, future about employment, family dispute and appetite. 经济状况、运动量、专业满意度、就业前景、家庭摩擦和食欲与生存质量的维度多数呈显著相关;
And there are such reasons of family's morals as the couple are not getting along well, immoral life style, neighbourhood dispute, etc. 有对尊老爱幼人伦的违背、夫妻不和、不道德的生活方式以及邻里纠纷等家庭道德方面的原因。
The result from the multiple regression showed that future about employment, economic condition, satisfaction for specialty, family dispute were main factors influencing QOL. 多元回归结果表明:就业前景、经济状况、专业满意度、家庭摩擦等因素对军医大学研究生生存质量的影响较大。
Conclusion The status of QOL of graduate students in military medical university was better, and it was influenced by the socialogical factors, such as the marriage condition, economic condition, sport time weekly, satisfaction for specialty, future about employment, family dispute and appetite. 结论军医大学研究生的生存质量状况较好,婚姻状况、经济状况、运动量、专业满意度、就业前景、家庭摩擦和食欲等是影响他们生存质量的主要社会学因素。
Suicide by taking poison due to improper handling of family dispute, and of marriage and love was the first leading cause of unproductive pesticides poisoning The toxicity and dosage of pesticides were closely related with the incidence rate of pesticides poisoning. 家庭纠纷、婚姻恋爱处理不当而导致服毒自杀居非生产性农药中毒首位。农药毒性、用量与当地农药中毒发生率、病死率密切相关。
The reason of suicide was family dispute, neighbor dispute, hard life, long term disease or mental illness so on. 城镇、农村两地自杀原因:家庭纠纷、邻居纠纷、生活困难、久病厌世及精神疾病等。
Family dispute which in particular range is the object of family mediation. 家事调解的对象即特定范围的家事纠纷。
In its content domestic drama in modern family dispute has long history, fashion and ancient make bitter several narrow subject Taiwanese gradually become entangled in let audience aesthetic fatigue. 在内容上国产电视剧已久在现代家庭纠葛、古代戏说史、时尚偶像剧等几个狭隘的题材中纠缠,渐渐的让观众审美疲劳。
Family cases in family identity relation is derived out on the basis of the various disputes, family disputes also was regarded as the civil dispute is an important part of. 家事案件是在家庭身份关系基础上派生出的各种矛盾纠纷,家庭纠纷自然也被视为民事纠纷的一个重要组成部分。
Family dispute is s special dispute type; both of the entity and the procedure are specialized. 家事纠纷不仅被认为是特殊的纠纷类型,其实体与程序规范也大多是专门性。
On the idea of establishment, we ought to cognize the chrematistics of family dispute, the nature and special function of family mediation. 一是理念建构方面,应注意家事纠纷的特质性、家事调解性质与功能的独特性等。
The procedure of family mediation should be set on the basis of the characteristic of family dispute, our country should offer a separate dispute settlement mechanism to solve family dispute. 程序的设置应当与纠纷的类型相适应,家事纠纷的特殊性决定了国家应当为家事纠纷提供一种单独的纠纷解决机制&家事调解程序。